My Review ~ I don't want to come off as being this crazy person that likes their thrillers to be incredibly gory, but I missed some of it in Night Season. I also missed Gretchen. I was so pleased to get into Kill You Twice and find that all that I missed was back, and with a bang!
I do not know what is up with the people Portland that they sentenced the uber-killer to a psychiatric hospital instead of giving her the death penalty or at least life in prison. They KNOW how cunning and manipulative she is. She knows how to work the system, and she knows how to work Archie. Gretchen knows that Archie will take whatever leads he can take in a case, so cannot stay away when she claims she has information in his newest case. He was doing so well. Getting on with his life, without Gretchen. Archie is getting his shit together more and more each book, and Kill You Twice takes him even farther, but is seeing Gretchen again going to make all his progress shrivel away?
Of course we can't have a Gretchen/Archie novel without Susan Ward. I love how Susan has different colored hair each book. She is spunky, inquisitive and up for anything. Her role is not huge in this book, but she always seems to bring me a little breath of fresh air when we swing to her POV.
Plus, just to entice you to read this even more, you actually learn more about Gretchen and how she got started! THAT alone made this book worth the read. Oh and I'm not going to spoil anything, but the end of the book was amazing! I really enjoyed it and will give this book a 4 out of 5. Read for Audio Challenge.
I haven't read this one yet! You are officially ahead of me :)
ReplyDeleteI want to read these, yes I do. I love this kind of thriller and eep this sounds good!